We know the world is not a perfect place. We also know God has given us Jesus whose life, death, and resurrection show us another way. We have been entrusted with love, gifts, and community that can make a difference. Here at Parkside we believe our purpose is to share the love of Christ, build community, and serve our neighbors. In the words of the Prophet Micah “and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)
In 2019, with the help of an Eagle Scout, Parkside Lutheran constructed a Blessing Box. This is a mini food pantry that functions like a little library. Anyone and everyone is invited to take what they need and leave what they are able. This is just one small example of our mission and vision at work in the world! We share the love and blessing God has first given to us.
Just as the Pandemic started, this community had begun a series of small group meetings. The purpose of these gatherings was for the people of Parkside to disccuss and construct four or five value statements. Curious to learn more or want to be a part of shaping the future of Parkside? Contact Pastor Jeremiah. One value we always want to lift up is that you matter and your perspective is critical to our future.
Below you can see sample statements of what will soon be in this space.
We are reconciled to God by God’s forgiving mercy. Forgiveness and reconciliation flow from what God has made us to be in Jesus Christ and what God is doing with us in the world. As a people of God, we embody forgiveness in speech, action and relationships, and our ministry in reconciliation is foundational.
Each person is created in God’s image. We respect this God-given right to dignity and, inspired by the life of Jesus, show love and compassion for all people. Through proclamation of the gospel, through worship and as servants of God working for healing and justice in the world, we uphold and seek to protect the dignity and human rights of all people.
As Christ’s church, we value the richness of God’s creation and offer a radical welcome to all people, appreciating our common humanity and our differences. We are a church that does not view diversity as a barrier to unity. We recognize and will challenge dynamics of power and privilege that create barriers to participation and equity in this church and society – for women, people of color, minority ethnic groups, people with disabilities, people who are marginalized or living in poverty, and the LGBTQ community.